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    • 巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季第01集
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    巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季

    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:Jeremy Turner 
    • 分类:综艺
    • 地区:英国 
    • 年份:2014 
    • 更新:05.16
    • 简介:  Stonehenge is an icon of prehistoric British culture, an enigma that has seduced archaeologists and tourists for centuries. Why is it here? What is



      Stonehenge is an icon of prehistoric British culture, an enigma that has seduced archaeologists and tourists for centuries. Why is it here? What is its significance? And which forces inspired its creators? Now a group of international archaeologists led by the University of Birmingham and the Ludwig Boltzman Institute in Vienna believe that a new state-of-the-art approach is the key to unlocking Stonehenge's secrets. For four years the team have surveyed and mapped every monument, both visible and invisible, across ten square kilometres of the sacred landscape to create the most complete digital picture of Stonehenge and the surrounding area over millennia. Known monuments have yielded more data than ever before, revealing hidden structures within, and new finds are revolutionising the very timeline of Stonehenge.  Operation Stonehenge takes the viewer on a prehistoric journey from 8000BC to 2500BC as the scientists uncover the very origins of Stonehenge, learning why this landscape is sacred, preserved and has been revered by following generations. Evidence of war and conflict, as well as the cultivation of ideas and industry, is explored to reveal complex communities with international trade links as far-reaching as Spain and central Europe.  Using CGI to reveal the monuments hidden beneath Stonehenge and featuring factually sourced dramatic reconstructions, the stories of the buildings and the people that occupied this sacred landscape over four millennia ago are revealed in comprehensive detail.

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    • 猪头妖怪2023-2-16 12:27:06
      《巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季》这个题材是绝好的,可惜改编得太不节制,最后全成了套路,失去了绝大部分的可信度。其实就应该照实。
    • 皱起2023-2-8 12:27:06
      我希望自已也是一颗星星 如果我会发光,就不必害怕黑暗 如果我自己是那么美好,那么一切恐惧就可以烟消云散 于是我开始存下了一点希望 如果我能做到,那么我就战胜了寂寞的命运 我终将在荒岛迎接黎明,《巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季》太好看了。
    • 只是存在2023-1-28 12:27:06
      《巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季》剧本的问题不小,相对于《公民凯恩》和《社交网络》似的交织叙事,这里显得太过割裂,没能实现这种结构应该能带来的效果。涉及人物太多,又没有写好群戏的功力,导致废笔不少,让人不知所云。场景功能性单一且生硬,恨不得直接告诉观众这一场是想表达什么。
    • RowenLee2023-05-9 12:27:06
      抱歉,进入不了,《巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季》和人都是。
    • 发条饺子2023-5-10 12:27:06
      最意外的是,在《巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季》里竟然看到某种波伏娃式的冷酷与绝望——一个完美女性可以拥有一切,美貌,力量,智慧,财富,时间……却偏偏要一次次与她的爱人告别。她得到的永远和失去一样多。
    • 哼哼.floweray2023-8-17 12:27:06
      用心了,《巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季》不错
    • 巨米雨2023-11-9 12:27:06
      有点失望 《巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季》剧情真没啥亮点 看到旁边哭的稀里哗啦我腔都不敢开
    • 陀螺凡达可2023-12-12 12:27:06
      《巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季》最好的台词最好的表演!我等粗人实在不配评价这部电影,看完只会默默流泪,挠心挠肺了半天形容不出一分她的美好,就像那些只会喂猪,不解风情的沙雕。
    • 就这样醒到天黑2023-4-9 12:27:06
      这几年总算没白等,导演幸苦了辛苦了!《巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密 第一季》太好看了!



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