简介: 底特律警探马蒂·金斯顿,是地下毒品组织的卧底,组织的成员陆陆续续被谋杀。为了解决此问题,他与一位骄傲而年轻的警探合作。然而,他们被所发现的腐败真相而彻底震惊了... Ray Liotta (Goodfellas) delivers an intense, electrifying perfor
简介:The world watches in awe as the Roebling Clipper is launched into space. Using state-of-the-art scalar engines to fly around the Moon and back in just
简介: This new documentary special is about the most intact slave shipwreck found to date and the only one for which we know the full story of the voyage,
简介: Last at the Festival with 2017’s rural noir Dark River, a selection in the Platform programme, writer-director Clio Barnard returns to the Bradford,
简介: 在监狱服刑的5年期间,乔尼·科雷(Sterling Hayden 饰)想出一条绝妙的抢劫计划。出狱后,他集结一帮非法之徒,共同策划抢劫赛马场的两百万美元巨资,并且做到“无一人伤亡”。然而智者千虑,必有一失。乔尼天衣无缝的计划得以顺利实施,却被同伙乔治(Elisha Co ok Jr. 饰)的老婆